Saturday Morning Fat Bike Ride

Location: Revere Beach, Revere, MA

  • Ride Type:  Fat bike ride

  • Date & Time:  Saturday, November 13, 2021, rolling at 10:00 am

  • Distance:  30 km

  • Price:  Free

  • RSVPs: Required, see bottom of page for RSVP form


The ride departs at 10:00am with various speed groups. We have a designated RHQ Super Domestique leading the last group to depart which will be rolling at a moderate pace. If you can average 15mph on a paved road ride, you have all of the fitness you need to have fun on this ride.

Parking: There is free parking on a first-come basis at the beach, we’ll send all who register details.

Route:  The route is emailed to all by 12pm the day before the ride. You won’t need the route since no one is getting dropped. If you think you’d want to go faster or ride with your friends and not our led group, then be sure to come with the route loaded.

Concerning email: for whatever reason, Gmail often puts our ride emails in your Spam folder. Be sure to check there by 12pm the day before the ride for the route. Email us if you see nothing anywhere by 12pm the day before the ride. We’re at

Estimated time: ~2-3 hours

Ride Notes:  We discuss these with you prior to rollout. There will be beachy sand, some trails, and a few paved roads to connect various sections. It’s all appropriate for a 3.5” tire or bigger. We can’t speak to the exact quality of the sand for those of you who want to ride skinnier tires. It’s possible it’d work out for you, but it’s also possible you’d be pushing your bike.

Last Minute Information: We email all participants with any critical late-breaking news.

Contact Information:  Email -, Phone which reaches the ride leader before and during the ride: 413-461-7433

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different:  All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. 

Waiver:  Ride Headquarters requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride.

How do we decide if we’re having this ride?

  • Thunder storms:  If there’s a 33% or greater chance of a thunder storm during the ride, we don’t ride.  It is not safe to get caught out in a thunder storm.

  • Rain or sleet:  There are a few variants of this.  We don’t ride sensitive trails when they’re wet; this can cause damage that’s not repairable.  This ride is not on any sensitive trails so weather shouldn’t impact whether or not we’re riding.

  • Snowing:  We ride;  it is so much fun to ride during a snow storm.

  • Snow on the ground:  We ride.  It doesn’t matter if there’s 1 inch or four feet, we ride.  We recommend studded tires or fat bikes for these kinds of conditions.  The only exclusion to snow riding is when there is a state of emergency and we’ve been asked to stay off the road.

  • Icy conditions:  We ride.  For this you have to have studded tires in order to ride with us.

  • Cold:  It doesn’t matter what the temperature is, we ride.  The coldest Sunday ride started at 5 degrees.  It was a blast!

The proper bike for this ride includes the following:

  • Fat bike with 3.5” minimum tires.  

  • A bike that’s in safe working order that is properly lubed and tuned. We’ll ask you to call for a ride or take an Uber home if you have a mechanical situation that will hinder the forward progress of the group by more than a few minutes.

  • Always bring a spare tube, air, tools for taking your wheels off your bike, a derailleur hanger and ALL of the tools you’d need to fix common mechanical situations.

Please RSVP now!

RSVPs are required to participate. We email all who RSVP many more details by 12pm the day before the ride.