Gravel Ride Middle Massachusetts

Join Ride Headquarters for a fun 100k gravel ride starting at the very lively (and food-filled) Red Apple Farm in Phillipston, MA!

This is a group or solo ride, your choice. You may ride with your friends, with a group we organize, or on your own.

Be absolutely certain you’re up for the rules of this ride. Read this page in its entirety, in addition to pages linked to, every single word.


  • Ride Type: Gravel roads, dirt trails, paved roads

  • Time & Date: Saturday, August 6 start time 9am

  • Starting Point: Red Apple Farm, Phillipston, MA

  • Distance: 63 miles

  • Price: Free

  • Weather: There is a possibility of t-storms. If it looks like storms are imminent Saturday morning, we’ll either push the start time by 1-2 hours or cancel. Only dangerous or annoyingly wet weather cancels. We will communicate with all who RSVP so you know exactly what’s happening, if anything needs to change from the 9am rollout.

What you get

  • A fun gravel ride with others who are excited to ride an adventure too

  • A route that takes you to lots of neat places and people to ride the route with (bring $ for food, water during the ride and for after the ride)

Food at Red Apple Farm

  • The Red Apple Farm is full of animals, fun, and a lot of food including outdoor BBQ, a brew barn, a store, ice cream stand, and potentially a food truck or two.

  • It’s blueberry picking season as well! Want to go home with freshly picked blueberries? They are offering us a group rate. State your interest in the RSVP and we’ll get details back to you!

  • Red Apple Farm is offering us parking on their property at no charge. Since we aren’t charging you for this ride, we ask that you plan to eat lunch or buy something to take with you after the ride to say THANK YOU to them for being a long-time host of our cycling events. They have consistently gone way above and beyond to host us for years now, when things were especially challenging during the pandemic and we are grateful to have Red Apple as a home base.

  • The Brew Barn is open starting at 12pm. Considering the start time and distance of this ride, everyone can get to the Brew Barn post-ride for a cold, tasty beverage!

Route Information

Here is some general information about the route:

  • Distance: 63 miles total

  • Elevation: ~4,200 ft

  • All of the route was vetted 1.5 years ago. Thus, be up for an adventure! If a road or trail isn’t rideable, we’ll find a way around. It’s all part of discovery and fun.

  • We will share the route and ride details no later than 5pm Friday, August 5 to all who RSVP before then.

  • Be sure you’ve got the route loaded on a GPS device and bring at least one back-up power source to charge your GPS unit and/or phone during the day.


  • There is one ride leader who will be in charge of one organized group. This group will aim to average a 15 mph rolling speed (this is not slow on gravel!) Pace will be faster on flat/open sections, slower on climbs and twistier areas. This is a solid endurance pace for many average gravel cyclists.

  • The HQ-led organized group is capped at 10 people, so be one of the first 10 to register to join in on this group. We’ll put together another group if we receive enough RSVPs and we’ll let you know in the detailed ride email what to expect.

  • The group will stop 1/2 way into the ride for water fill ups. This location will be included in the pre-ride instructions and we can add stops if riders need.

  • Want to ride faster than this group? Want to ride with your friends? Want to take it easier and ride slower? We give you the chance to sign up for what you want when you register at the bottom of this page.

  • Registration/RSVPs via the form on this page are required to participate.

Start Time

For anyone who wishes to start earlier and ride alone or those who want to ride with your friends, we’ll get you rolling out ahead or behind the organized group.

You are welcome to start with the organized group and choose to ride faster or drop off, just as long as you tell us what you want to do!

Adventure rides are meant to be enjoyed with others though it is fine to ride solo. We recommend getting a group of your friends together if you’d like to ride it but don’t want to join in on the group we're organizing.

Proper Bike for this Ride

  • 35mm-45mm tires are appropriate. Feel free to use bigger tires. Narrower than 32mm are strongly discouraged. We can’t predict the conditions of the dirt sections, so assume there will be sandy sections (it’s been pretty dry lately) and loose gravel, along with potholes and other average “features” on roads. Narrower tires are more likely to pinch flat and are less stable than 28mm or bigger.

  • Clipless pedals and shoes. These are important elements of bike control.

  • A bike that’s in safe working order. Make very certain your bike comes clean, lubed, safety checked with fresh brake pads, and tires in good shape. If it's wet on the road or raining, please put a rear fender on your bike to keep you from getting wet. With no drafting, the requirements about fenders are a bit more relaxed now!

Weather: We will ride rain or shine. Dangerous weather (like an electrical storm) cancels the ride or postpones the start time.

Last Minute Information: We will email everyone who registers with the latest information and details concerning parking, timing, route, etc.

Unregistered riders or riders who haven’t signed the waiver may not participate.

Waiver: Ride Headquarters requires a signed waiver before your first ride. Please fill it out online prior to your first ride.

Contact Information: Email with questions. We will email you the cell phone number of the contact person who will be present at the beginning of the ride and available during the ride.

Riding Rules, What to Bring, How Our Rides are Different: All riders are required to read and are expected to abide by These Rules. Note: ALL rules stated here on this page override any conflicting rules you see on our typical ride rules.

Don’t take risks on the bike or not eat enough causing you to bonk. Drink plenty of water considering how hot it will probably be. This is very common sense for any ride.

We will not shuttle riders anywhere, it’s your responsibility to have a plan in case your bike or legs stop working.

We’ll send a very detailed email by 12pm Friday, the day before the ride, with the route, instructions, and details so you understand logistics and exactly what to do.

What to Bring

Every rider is expected to come prepared with the route on a GPS device and battery that will last a minimum of 5 hours.


We recommend bringing the following items to be self-sufficient on the ride:

  • 2 x tubes
  • Hand pump
  • CO2 cartridges & CO2 inflator
  • Tire levers
  • Boot/dollar bill if your tire gets ripped
  • Patch kit
  • 1 pair of quick links compatible for your chain
  • Chain pliers
  • Chain breaker
  • Multi-tool (if your chain breaker is on your multi-tool, even better)
  • If your bike uses a replaceable derailleur hanger, be sure to have an extra that is compatible with your bike
  • Rain jacket - this works well for chilly descents too
  • 2 x 26 oz water bottles filled with water and/or drink mix
  • Food/nutrition
  • Cash
  • Credit card & ID
  • If there’s anything you need, we can sell you whatever it is remotely assuming we have it in stock, and we will bring whatever it is to you at the start of the ride.

    Email us with anything you would like to have preferably by Wednesday 4pm so we have time to put in an order with our supplier if it’s something we don’t have in stock.

    RSVP Now Here! It’s required to participate.

    If you aren’t sure you’ll be able to make it, please do not RSVP. Get your plans for the day sorted, then RSVP.

    It is inconsiderate to say you’re coming and not show up. We appreciate that things arise last-minute and we just ask that you send an email to if you’ve RSVP’d and can’t attend for a good last-minute reason.